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Gen3 Terraform

Gen3-terraform contains our terraform modules for deploying and managing cloud infrastructure necessary for running gen3 within AWS. The modules are organized into directories based on the version of terraform they correspond to, then the type of infrastructure they deploy. The tf_files directory contains our deprecated 0.11 versions of modules, while the tf_files-1.0 directory contains our >1.0 versions of modules, although we have been using version 1.2 of terraform with these modules, so we recommend using that version of terraform with these modules. Under these directories we break down into clouds and then individual portions of clouds. If using the latest terraform modules, the most important module will be the commons one, which will spin up all the necessary infrastructure for a gen3 commons. The other modules are used if you'd like to spin up individual components or supplementary infrastructure within a commons, like service accounts, AWS roles etc. It should go without saying, but you will need admin access to an AWS account to be able to run our terraform modules for AWS.


There are are a few ways to utilize our terraform modules, which will largely depend on how many instances you plan to run and how hands off you want the maintenance to be. The following are a few options that we have utilized:

  • Running Terraform within the cloned repo: This option allows you to run terraform directly within the cloned repo, which is useful for testing and development. This option is not recommended for production use, as it is not as secure as the other options, and it is not as easy to maintain. This option is also not recommended if you plan to run multiple instances of gen3, as you will have to clone the repo for each instance, and it will be difficult to maintain the state files for each instance.
  • Referencing our Terraform modules within your own modules: This option allows you to reference our modules within your own modules, which is useful if you want to customize the modules to your needs. This option is recommended if you plan to run a few instances of gen3, as you can create a module for each instance, and it will be easier to maintain the state files for each instance. This option is also recommended if you want to customize the modules to your needs, as you can easily do so within your own modules.
  • Wrapping terraform with Terragrunt: This option allows you to wrap terraform with terragrunt, which is useful if you want to run many instances of gen3, as it will allow you to run terraform across multiple modules at once. This option also let's you set configuration heirarchally, so you can set configuration at the root level, and it will be inherited by all the modules, allowing you to perform standard maintanance across every instance with ease. This approach adds a new layer of complexity though, so it is only recommended if you plan on managing many instances of gen3.
  • Running terraform or terragrunt with Atlantis: This option can be used with the two above options, and it allows you to run terraform or terragrunt in a CI/CD pipeline, which is useful if you want to automate the deployment and maintenance of your gen3 instances. This option is recommended if you want to collaborate with others on the deployment and maintenance of your gen3 instances, as it allows you to easily review and approve changes to your infrastructure through github pr's.

The terraform modules are the backbone of our infrastructure deployment, and there are many ways to utilize them effectively. We have provided a few examples of how we have utilized them, but we encourage you to explore other options as well, and find the one that works best for you. In the following sections we will go into detail on how to setup the above options, and how to utilize them to deploy and maintain your gen3 instances.